Established Web Development Company vs Freelancer

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Established Web Development Company vs Freelancer: The Reliable Option! 

When conceptualizing and implementing a web and digital marketing strategy, the only reliable option remaining for the client is a well-established web development company. And in today’s business world clients are more focused on cost reduction. Thus they make the mistake of hiring freelancer’s believing this to be the more flexible and cost-effective option. But, in most cases the projects mishandled, or delayed or do not meet the client’s requirements. Client’s left with no fall back and end up spending more money (than the initial planned amount) and time rectifying and completing the project.

“The Site was not completed, we had no avenue to get our money back and there was no registered entity to initiate legal proceedings” – SLG Global (Pvt.) Ltd

“The site had a malware defect” – JK Tradelink (Pvt) Ltd

“The end product was far below our expectations, which communicated at the start. When a client clicked on a link the page directed to an unrelated page, as a result we experienced lower hits and recruitment suffered. We ended up having to retain an established web company to re-do the site as per our requirements and therefore costs and time lines initially planned for the project were all overshot” – Bata Shoe Company of Ceylon Ltd

Are you confused with freelancers?

Let’s look at some areas that need to focus for the successful completion of a web solution. And discuss some key facts of why you should select an established web development company.  It will better prove that a  web development company is the superior!

Complexity of the Project, Deliverables and Skill Set required by Service Provider

Web development companies  have a team of people to work on your project. Different individuals with the required specialized skills, assigned for different parts of the job. Therefore the outcome of the project become more efficient and with fewer revisions. For example, in a web development project, the graphics handle by one person, the visual branding by another, and other experts may work on the proposed site’s user experience. Each individual section handled by a specialist, therefore projects often come together faster.

Freelancers specialize in one or two areas and may not have the necessary skills to deliver cross platform solutions. If it’s a new web development, mobile app development, software development or a company branding/ re-branding, then freelancers fail due to lack of various skill.

Keeping to Budget and Time Lines

You have to hire more than one freelancer to complete your project, if he has minimum skills on your project. This could be time consuming with the evaluating of each freelancer taking time and may cost more in the long run. Further, in such instances you may have to act as a project manager to help coordinate tasks amongst them.

But the company will appoint a project manager/creative director to ensure that every aspect of your project is accurate. Other advantage is that you only pay for the quote that submitted by the web development company rather than paying for multiple service providers. You can expect to get the project completed quickly and with very few errors, because it is being handled by a team. Therefore it becomes more economical as it reduces revision fees and expedites completion.

Work Ethic of Service Provider

When working with a freelancer the success of the project depends on his work ethics, disciplines, experience and skills. Clients face with some common issues when working with freelancers. Eg: work does not complete on time, does not meet the project objectives. Because freelancers have poor work ethics and they don’t have relevant skills. Sometimes freelancers re-use the source code or do not hand over source codes to clients or behave in an unethical manner. In short, freelancers are harder to control than an established web development company.

An established web development company will ensure meeting all the important areas of the project; timelines, objectives, source code usage, maintenance etc. All important factors discussed and agreed upon prior to commencing the project. Therefore there is a legal framework in between web development companies and clients.

Maintenance and after sales service/ conflict resolution (if any)

Dealing with an established web development company that have the necessary structured procedures/processes and systems is a must. It ensures that accountability of the service provider is more powerful both during & after the development of the project. There may be instances when the project does not meet your initial plan or objectives. In such instances resolution of issues maybe easier with a registered web development company as a legal entity as opposed to a freelancer.

In summary, it seems like hiring a freelancer is the cost-effective and less awkward option. But, when considering all of the above issues that may arise when working with a freelancer, an established web development company is the only reliable option.

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