Importance of Quality Assurance

What is QA?
Commonly known as QA, the abbreviation refers to the term, Quality Assurance. QA refers to the process of assuring a product is free of errors & issues, up to a certain extent, before its delivery. Why only to a certain extent? Because a QA engineer (*person who runs the QA tests) can’t detect & resolve every single issue of a website. But he has the ability to ensure the deliverance of a product with minimal errors. Because one cannot issue a completely issue-free website.
The blog will provide insights on the importance of running a QA process for a website that is developed. The process consists of a set of actions that guarantees the quality in the development process of a website, which eventually results in the product quality.
The QA process is important because it gives the customer the assurance of a quality product.
Why is QA so important
QA gives suppliers the confidence to release their product & its preparedness.
The purpose of a QA process of a website is to ensure that the website is,
- Mobile Friendliness
- Browser Responsiveness
- SEO factors
- Dummy content
- Website/ image optimization,
as well as the functionality of each and every page of the website.
QA testing is a mandatory step in the development process of a website. The objective of it is to minimize the risks and ensure to deliver a quality product. Usually, the QA testing is done at the end of the website development or during the development. A Quality Assurance checking after every major development. This method is used when developing major software systems, to minimize the number of bugs detected at the end of the development. But it is quite time-consuming.
The QA process is one of the most time-consuming steps in the process of development. Clients don’t quite understand the importance of this step. When they are provided with the website they are unaware about various bugs & issues detected and fixed.