Internet Predators

Internet Predators also known as online predators are adult online users who seek to exploit vulnerable children or adolescents for abusive purposes. They are sexual predators who use the internet to get information and to communicate, locate, target and victimize minors. In the 21st century where the internet is open Read more…

Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is the utilization of computer services over the internet. Services may include, software, software development platforms, servers and storage. Services/components of cloud computing. Clients are the end user. Services are the functions, storage is the warehouse & infrastructure is the backbone of Cloud computing. Application is the backbone Read more…

Internet of Things (IoT)

By definition the Internet of things is the interconnection via the Internet of computing devices embedded in everyday objects, enabling them to send and receive data. IoT is the data transaction through regular objects, by connecting them to the internet. The initial concept of IoT dates back to 1982. The Read more…

Augmented Reality vs Virtual Reality

Augmented-Reality (AR) one of the latest technologies, can be defined as a technology that superimposes a computer-generated image on a user’s view of the real world, thus providing a composite view. In simple terms, augmented reality is the combination of digital objects and the real world. The Technology combines the computer-based objects Read more…

Prisma is a Tech FAD

Prisma will be a tech FAD and the life cycle will be very short due its limitations in terms of  features. Users will be fed up soon unless Prisma relaunches the same with dynamic features with a precise purpose which can differentiate the app from other competitive platforms. Nevertheless, Prisma Read more…